
Challenge of Missions

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Author: Oswald J. Smith
?As a matter of fact, we have done everything else except the one and only thing He told us to do?? ? Oswald Smith

Oswald Smith in this very compelling book writes to the church today making the very clear point that THE mission of the church is to preach the gospel to all nations.  One of the most notable lines from the book is, ?Why should anyone hear the gospel twice before everyone has heard it once.?   It is the mission of the church to ensure the fulfillment of Mathew 28 and Oswald Smith addresses why the church has failed to do this.  Many credit him as being responsible for reconnecting the church and its mission.

Price: $10.00
Ship Weight: 0.5

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"I have seen, at different times, the smoke of a thousand villages - villages whose people are without Christ, without God, and without hope in the world."
- Robert Moffat
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