

We at One World Missions are committed to providing you quality resources relating to the church, ministry and mission. Below you will find a selection of inspiring and insightful audio messages delivered at various local churches and conferences you can either listen to online or download.

You can also check out our video page, our online articles and books .

Thank you.

Audio Messages by Randy Mitchell

  «  Extending Relationships
  «  Battling Unbelief
  «  Divine Achievement through Divine Association
  «  Vision: Yours, Mine and Ours
  «  Christ: His Mission to the Nations
  «  Building God's Kingdom
  «  The Adaptive Church
  «  Message to Youth Workers
  «  A Call to Discipleship
  «  Discipleship at Substance Church (1) 
  «  Why Missions?

Note: Audio files may play directly in your default audio player depending on computer setting. To save to your computer and listen later right-click and select "Save As..."

"The Bible is a missionary book through and through ... The main line of argument that binds us all together is the unfolding and gradual execution of a missionary purpose."
- Bruce Ker
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