
Short-Term Missions

Short Terms: Factors Not Often Considered
By John Holzman
Short Termers and the Future of the American Missions
By Dr. Monroe Brewer
Our Role in Sending Laborers
By Randy G. Mitchell
The Long and Short of Mission Terms
By Luis Bush

The Local Church's Role in Missions

A Now Harvest Requires Now Harvesters
By Randy G. Mitchell
Who Needs Mission Agencies?
By Ralph D. Winter
When Local Churches Act Like Agencies
By Ralph D. Winter

Money & Missions

Why Ask Missionaries to Beg?
By Phil Parshall
Why Sending Money Does Not Work as Well as Sending People
By Ralph D. Winter
Financial Resources and the Kingdom of God
By John Holzmann
Whatever Happened to the Apostle Paul?
By Christopher R. Little

Additional Articles

Are We Accelerating or Inhibiting Movements to Christ?
By Bob Goodmann
Finishing Your Course
By Randy G. Mitchell
God's Certainty in Uncertain Times
By Randy G. Mitchell
A People of Power
By Randy G. Mitchell
Our Primary Ministry
By Randy G. Mitchell
When Two Bikes Split a Church--The powerful effect of an act of generosity.
By Christopher Little
My Best; His Best; The Best
By Randy G. Mitchell
A Common Word Between Us And You
An Open Letter Signed by 138 Muslim Religious Authorities, Scholars, Intellectuals, Media Experts and Professionals
Loving God and Neighbor Together:
A Christian Response to A Common Word Between Us and You
by Harold W. Attridge, Miroslav Volf, Joseph Cumming and Emilie M. Townes
Saul's Armor and David's Sling
by Tim Lewis and Bob Goodmann
The Emergence of The One World Project
by Randy Mitchell
Why Denominations Cannot Complete the Great Commission
by David Watson
Seven Deadly Sins--How to Kill a Church Planting Movement
by David Garrison
The Story of His Glory
by Steven C. Hawthorne
Making Jesus Known--In Knowable Ways
by Steven C. Hawthorne

Digital Books & Papers

The Ministry of the Holy Spirit in the Believers Life
paper by Randy Mitchell
The Kingdom Comes
paper by Randy Mitchell

The views expressed in these articles do not necessarily represent the views of OWM or AFCM. Rather they are intended to provoke thought and encourage debate.

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"We talk of the second coming, half the world has never heard of the first."
- Oswald J. Smith
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