
Our goal in adding a blog to our web site was to create a platform where we could share our thoughts concerning what we are learning about missions models and strategy. Education is a very important part of our calling to the body of Christ and it is our desire to have a forum to discuss our thoughts and our beliefs. Over the years we have studied missions and we have developed very specific ideas based upon our twenty years working in missions and the many missionaries and missiologists we have formed relationships with. However, we have come to believe that it is important that our missional thought be based upon more than people's experiences, man's thoughts, simple observations, traditions, etc. Our missional thought must have at its foundation a solid biblical base. We call this Biblical Missiology. We have decided that our best source for understanding the Missio Dei, or God's mission, is to turn to the scripture. We believe that the scripture provides us with more than a historical account of the development of the early church. We believe through scripture we are given the foundation principles forevermore for the establishment and expansion of the Kingdom of God. We certainly believe that our understanding of these issues is limited and our opinions are fallible. We invite you, our readers, to join us in this discussion. We eagerly expect to learn from you. We only ask that you approach the subject from the basis of scripture not opinion, tradition, or personal experience alone. There will invariably be great diversity of practices and on certain principles we may have to agree to disagree but we believe that through it we will all grow.

"And thus I aspire to preach the gospel, not where Christ was already named so that I would not build on another man's foundation."
- Apostle Paul
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