
How do I get there?
Our office will coordinate all travel in-house or through our travel agency, AFC Travel.  We will contract a limited amount of group air for each trip.  This air is sold at a discount and OWM makes nothing on the air rates. We simply pass the low cost of using a consolidator and booking as a group directly to you.  Once your application is accepted you are responsible for contacting our travel agent and making arrangements for payment.  We do not receive any payments for air.  Your financial obligation is to AFC travel and the airline that your tickets are booked through.  If connections are necessary, our travel agent will be able to assist you with this as well.  All connections and additional flights must be confirmed with our office before booking.  When contacting AFC Travel please ask to speak to Shayna.

AFC Travel can be contacted at:
Shayna Davis
c/o AFC Travel
511 East Travelers Trail
Burnsville, MN 55337

(800) 599-2925 ext. 7684

Should I get traveler's insurance?
Most health insurance does not cover all costs associated with emergency care overseas.  Almost none of them cover emergency evacuation, or return travel in the case of an emergency.  We do recommend that you consider traveler's insurance.  It will cover all expenses associated with emergency care overseas as well as covering trip cancellation, lost luggage, emergency evacuation and much more.  Most of the time this insurance can be secured with a reputable insurer for less than $25.  We have used the same company for the last five years and have found them very reliable and quite helpful.  Just mention that you are doing a trip with One World Missions and they will be able to assist you with traveler's insurance.  Contact Adam Bates at Insurance Services of America.
Insurance Services of America can be contacted at:
Insurances Services of America
PO Box 1617
Chandler, AZ  85244

"The Bible is a missionary book through and through ... The main line of argument that binds us all together is the unfolding and gradual execution of a missionary purpose."
- Bruce Ker
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