
How do I raise the funds?
Over the years we have seen hundreds of people of all ages and economic situations believe and receive the necessary funds to do missions outreaches.  There are many different ways to raise money for your trip. We have found that there are four major resources that will help you raise your money, but always remember - GOD is your source!  If He calls you He will equip you. 

Family and Friends:  It is very important for you to share the story of what God has spoken to you about missions. Be sure you share where you are going, why you are going, and how the family member or friend can be a part of what God wants to do through you.  It is important for you to let them know how much the trip is going to cost so that they know how much help will be needed. This will give them the opportunity to be a part of what God is going to do during the trip. Family and friends, regardless of their religious beliefs, will often be very willing to help- all you have to do is ask. Remember, the money that they give is for God, not for you, so don't hesitate to ask.  It is also tax deductible which is a big plus.  The best way to approach this is by personal contact.  When this is not possible send out a letter clearly highlighting the details mentioned above.  Again, don't be afraid to ask them to contribute.  Keep in mind that you will have certain deadlines that you will need to meet for trip expenses.  Share with them the deadlines and give them a target date to give by.  Promise to send them an update about your trip when you return and then do so.

Work and witty ideas:  It is very important that you look for God to increase you and give you opportunity to raise the money needed.  This may mean that He will give you the opportunity to make extra money or He may give you an idea for fund-raising.  It is very important to be led by the Spirit in this regard.  When the money begins to come in you are going to have to do some very basic things to make sure that the blessing of God is on your finances.
1) You need to tithe.  The Bible says that all that you have is from God.  But we must honor God by giving back to Him the first ten percent of al that he gives us.  This is to be given to your local church.
2) Once you have tithed and prove your faithfulness to God you need to sow.  Take a portion of what He has given you and sow a seed.  Believe that as you sow into meeting someone else's need God will in turn meet your need.  Our needs are met according to what we sow.
3) The third thing that you must do is save.  Don't eat your seed and don't spend your increase.  You will need to be good steward of the supply that God gives.  What most people do not understand is that God will always supply what you need to accomplish His will.  Most people simply do not recognize what God has provided as being the resource to accomplish what He desires.

Church:  Set up a meeting with your pastor and/or youth pastor to share what God has placed on your heart. Visit other churches in your area within your association or that you may have relationships with.  Stress to them that you desire to represent your church family on your missions outreach.  Provide them with all of the details of your trip and see if they would be willing to help by allowing you to address the church, take up an offering, or make a church contribution to your missions outreach.

Community:  Do not be afraid of approaching businesses or civic organizations about supporting your outreach either through cash donations or assistance with fund-raising.  You will need to approach non-Christians differently than you would your church. But presented properly most business and civic organizations can see the benefit in the humanitarian work that you are doing.

"The greatest missionary is the Bible in the mother tongue. It needs no furlough and is never considered a foreigner."
- William Cameron Townsend
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