
Are the trips safe? 
Safety is our number one priority. Our offices regularly monitor the U.S. State Department and Homeland Security websites for travel warnings and updates on our overseas relations. We are also in constant contact with our AFCM missionaries and national pastors who live and work in the areas we plan to visit. We evaluate the country's political and physical environment in regards to the safety of our teams both before and throughout the trip. In the event that travel is not advised by the U.S. government or our overseas partners, or also in the event of an unforeseen uprising/situation, team members will be relocated to a different project of similar price if the cancellation takes place prior to departure, or to a nearby safe location if the change is required while they are overseas on their trip.

In over fifteen years of leading short-term missions' outreaches we have never had a person seriously injured on one of our trips. The fact is we have only had two minor hospital visits out of over a thousand people participating in our trips.  Please keep in mind that there is inherent danger in everything in life, but that does not change the mandate that has been handed down to the church in the Great Commission.  We believe that if we stand on our blood covenant rights, use wisdom and follow the leading of the Holy Spirit that we are safer in the middle of God's will than we are anywhere else on earth.  We believe that it is imperative that we keep fear out of our hearts and minds in order to keep the enemy from manifesting destruction in our lives.  Yes, the world is a dangerous place, but let me share with you a quote:

"Tides of war and revolution sweep the world.  Yesterday's allies are today's enemies.  National borders change over night.  There are hostile forces at large in every country:  political ideologies-subtle, sinister and spreading-flamboyant nationalism, often menacing in its attitudes to western peoples, and ancient religions in aggressive revival programs.  These are all-present massive imponderables to those planning world evangelism.  Add to these the attitude of many homeland churches.  We are being educated to consider ourselves eligible to predetermine the limits of our spiritual sacrifices.  Does the sum of all these factors affect the issue?  Let us be sure of one thing: God continues to incarnate his redemptive purposes in human lives.  He still calls, "Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?"  Let world conditions fluctuate or worsen; the fire of God's purpose burns on."
                                                                        --- R. Arthur Mathews

"Will the heathen who have not heard the Gospel be saved?' thus, 'It is more a question with me whether we who have the Gospel and fail to give it to those who have not, can be saved.'"
- C.H. Spurgeon
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