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We are very excited about what the Lord is doing in The Philippines.  Over the last several years, One World Missions has partnered with AFCM members and Raul Cuaresma Ministries in The Philippines.  The Lord has accomplished a great deal through this partnership.  We have ministered in meetings throughout the islands from Luzon in the north to Mindanao in the south.  We have held evangelistic outreaches and seen hundreds come to the Lord.  We have seen miracle after miracle as people have placed their faith in Christ as healer.  We have been so blessed to see the hunger of the people during our leadership seminars.  God is doing a great work in The Philippines and we are so blessed to be a part of what He is doing.  We have successfully planted twenty AFCM-ITC Bible Schools and this last year we graduated hundreds of students.  Many of our students are already pastoring churches.  It is our goal t plant Bible Schools all over the Philippines to better equip the church leaders as they mature the body of Christ.  As the Bible Schools are growing God is speaking to the leadership in The Philippines about even greater endeavors.  We believe that God is preparing the Philippino church to do a great work in the Asian nations that surround them.  In the years to come we look forward to partnering with Philippino leaders to train missionaries that will be sent out into the nations of the world with the Word of Faith.  Please pray about getting involved with what the Lord is doing in The Philippines.

"We talk of the second coming, half the world has never heard of the first."
- Oswald J. Smith
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